Monday, July 6, 2009

July 6, 2009 - Haha, The Randomness Of My Brain

This thought has been lingering in my mind for a long while now - "Why can't menswear be as innovative, extreme or exciting as womenswear? Why can't the bodies of men be 'sexualized' objects like that of women currently? All I want is equality, not in the political sense but equality among the genders in terms of fashion."

July 6, 2009 - Just A Thought

I wonder if maybe years later what we consider innovative and mind blowing in terms of menswear will be very common and will ultimately be considered boring, and what we regard as boring and so-so right now, will be considered the opposite.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

July 5, 2009 - The Duty Of An Individual

"The individual's duty is to do what he wants to do, to think whatever he likes, to be accountable to no one buy himself, and to challenge every idea and every person." - Jean Paul Sartre from his novel, The Age Of Reason.

July 5, 2009 - Sartre's Quote - Existentialism

"Man is alone, abandoned on earth in the midst of his infinite responsibilities, without help, with no other aim than the one he sets himself, with no other destiny than the one he forges for himself on this earth." - Jean Paul Sartre.

This seems to be the easiest to understand definition of existentialism.

Friday, July 3, 2009

July 4, 2009 - Chemistry, A New Fascination

As I was learning a bit of Chemistry today, I learnt that things can burn in water. H20 or commonly known as water, is made up of hydrogen and oxygen. Things can only burn in the presence of oxygen, and oxygen helps things to burn, whereas hydrogen burns even if it reacts with air. If hydrogen reacts with air, it is reacting with oxygen. Hydrogen and oxygen form water. Water is only formed if the ratio of mixing of both the objects is proper.
It’s wonderful how the water we drink and use daily, in such large quantities, can also cause fires, which is the exact opposite of water.

Another Blog

This won't mean I stopped blogging on my other blog. I think this one will be less frequently posted. This blog is about my mind, the questions I put forward (and the situations), psychological experiments and the things I learned.